What are the main components of a successful hit? Ask golfers this question, and you will get a vast variety of different answers! However, it all gets down to a few major factors – consistency, distance, speed, power, and accuracy.
How to reach all these goals and find an over-the-top golf swing fix? It all starts with a good swing!
What Is The Key To An Excellent Swing?
As you now know, a good swing is a key to success on the course. However, how can one ensure that he does everything right?
Of course, there is no universal advice that would work for all. Players always have different strategies and techniques, which makes it hard to define the success formula.
However, if we take a look at some of the most successful players, we can clearly track certain similarities in their moves. These similarities helped us define the top tips for building up a perfect swing:
- Pay attention to your grip
- Set up the ball right
- Keep your head steady
- Transfer your weight forward
- Flat your left wrist to stop the flip
- Stick to diagonal sweet spot path
- Always control the clubface
- Stay flexible – this point especially applies to knees, as they should be quite flexible during the swing
- Learn to avoid over the top golf swing
- Always get back to a balanced finish position after you make a hit
A Perfect Golf Swing In Two Simple Moves
Now, let’s get to some theory! Looking at different how-to’s and guides, it is easy to get confused by a variety of moves and positions. We, on the contrary, offer you to look at the matter in broader terms.
The main motion pattern is a push and pull – a player pushes a club back and then pulls it through. This is that perfect motion that leads to a good swing.
However, most beginners tend to do it the other way around – they pull and then push. To help you avoid this mistake, we have prepared a clear guide on how to build up a top-notch swing in two moves.
Push Back
The first thing you want to do is to push back with your left hand to create a wide extension and a straight start. During this motion, your left shoulder needs to turn back. At the same time, your lower body should remain stable to let the upper body coil against it.
The main idea of this move is to think of your left hand as a focal point.
How to practice: to master this move, grab a short iron with only your left hand and practice making those swings.
This exercise will help you get rid of the pushing motion that takes place when you have both left and right hands on the club. When you master this drill, go back to the course and re-create that feel.
What to avoid: don’t push with your right hand even if it’s your dominant hand. This decreases the power of your swings and limits your body’s flexibility.
Pull Through can Offer an Over the Top Golf Swing Fix
Before you can swing down, you should feel a more extensive takeaway and a shift of the weight to the side. When you feel that, you can pull through.
Make a pulling action that comes from your left leg. Then shift your left knee towards the aim. This will pull your lower body into a forward rotation.
This is not hard if you know the right pattern. However, there is one thing to watch out for – it is not only about pulling. Also, it is essential to square the clubface ensure higher impact. To do this, turn your left hand’s knuckles downside once you pull.
How to practice: leave your club aside and get into your position with a left foot against the wall. From this position, do a backswing and then swing down.
During this exercise, you should feel how your left leg bumps the wall as you swing down, and your left hand’s back should face the wall.
What to avoid: do never push the club down from the top. Most right-handed beginners do that, but it only moves the club away, which results in reduced power and an increased number of slices and pulls.